Sunday, December 8, 2013

My Supports

Throughout the last 5 years as an educator my parents have been my biggest supports.  My mother has had varying roles in education over the last 36 years. My father was a supervisor in an educational entity for 35 years. I am always chatting with them about the highs and lows of my educational experiences.  I cannot imagine my life without my parents support!

This year I am looking for more colleague support because of the complex students I work with. I love the days when therapists come into my room because I can talk with them about what they see in my class.  Talking with colleagues also helps validate what I have been doing. I do not look for constant validation, but when working with students with disabilites, I do not always see the growth the students are showing because I see them on a daily basis. It feels good to hear that I am doing things well!