Thursday, May 16, 2013

This is Olivia. She is good at lots of things.

I know "Olivia" is a children's book series, but it is by far my favorite read of all time! I have every Olivia book by Ian Falconer, and will frequently read them aloud to myself.  They are a great pick me up when having a bad day. Whenever I  need to buy a little girl a present, an Olivia book is what they will get. Don't get me wrong, I have had many little boys enjoy hearing an Olivia story, but I find that little girls can relate to her better. Even as an adult I can relate to Olivia. Espeically when it comes to trying on all of her clothes before she goes out for the day. This sassy little piglet cracks me up! You cannot read an Olivia book without smiling at the end. If you have not read an Olivia book, please go and pick one up!!

1 comment:

  1. My favorite children's books are the Bernstiens Bears series. These books teach children about good manners, sharing, and reinforce family values. I read them to my children and now I read them to my grandchildren.
