Sunday, November 24, 2013

My Connections to Play

In our play we reveal what kind of people we are.

Roman poet

Children need the freedom and time to play. Play is not a luxury. Play is a necessity.

Kay Redfield Jamison


Today play is considered a luxury- which we all know is not what is appropriate for our young learners.  When children play today, more then likely they are playing with electronics by themselves.  Today, play is so different from play even 10 years ago, let alone when I was a child over 20 years ago.  My parents did not buy me any electronic games. I have never owned a playstation, or wii, etc. I was encouraged to use my imagination and creativity (the pictures I have added are what I played with the most as a child).  I think in the 21st century, there is so much of a focus on play being with electronics, and play being isolated to oneself. Luckily for children who attend early learning centers/preschools that know the importance of play, they have that opportunity to be creative with their minds. But there needs to be more of a push for families to get back to playing with each other, and not through electronics.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Relationship Reflection

There are three groups of people in my life that I have relationships with. These three groups impact my life in a positive way on a daily basis.  I could not imagine my life without positive relationships.

They three groups are as followed with characteristics that show our positive relationship:

- unconditional love
- laughter
-personal growth

-unconditional love
-personal growth

Some difficulties keeping a friendship in tact is time and distance.  I had a great group of friends in high school and thought they were going to be my friends forever. Realistically, we are now friendly acquaintances. As I have grown in my 20's I have developed new friendships that fit where I am in my adult life.

-partnership in education
-personal growth

I believe that my colleagues, especially the ones that are in my classroom  (ie. therapists, psychologists, program specialists) have/need to maintain positive relationships and partnerships.  I see  my colleagues and I being in a partnership because we are all working together to provide quality education for the children we work with.