Friday, January 16, 2015

My Family Culture

The three items that I would take with me to a different country are:

A football- My family is a huge football fan so I would take a football to the new country and hopefully try to explain the sport.

A picture of my cats- My family is a big supporter of the SPCA and of cats as pets. I would be able to discuss the importance of rescuing animals and how cats are awesome.

A seashell- My family loves to travel, especially to beaches. I would take the seashell to represent traveling and something that comes from the beach.

If I had to choose one item to keep I would choose my cats because even just looking at them would bring me joy.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Emily. Your items tell a lot about your family. It is amazing to read the different items that people would bring with them and meaning behind them. This really makes me think about the children I teach that had to leave all their possessions in their home country to relocate to the United States. I am sure that the items they chose to keep have the same value as the items we decided to keep if we had to relocate. thanks for sharing.
