Thursday, October 22, 2015

A Great Communicator

Communication is the key to everything in life. It can make or break a situation. While trying to think of a person who exhibits great communication skills I thought about people within my own life, people I have met and people I want to be like. I wanted to look beyond day-to-day communication and think of a great orator that has taken a passionate position on something and made people take notice.
The person that came to mind as one of the greatest communicators I have ever had the pleasure to hear and someone I want to emulate is Wayne Dyer. There are four things that I feel made Wayne Dyer one of the greatest communicators.

1. Following his heart and making an emotional connection with his audience
2. Making a room come alive
3. Humor
4. Using his own experience

I personally feel that following your heart and making the audience, however big or small, feel what you are feeling is the best way to effectively communicate, especially when it's something you are passionate about. When people sense you are passionate about something, they take notice. The other three characteristics are also great attributes of an effective communicator. When I have given presentations I always make sure I add humor, use my own experiences and make sure my I am keeping my audiences attention.

I am personally quite sad that the great Wayne Dyer is no longer with us, but feel he will always be remembered for his all of the wonderful things he contributed to this world.


  1. Emily,

    Great Blog post here! Something interesting I learned from this week study is that “communication skills are behavioral abilities based on social understandings that are used to achieve particular goals. Some of us may be intrinsically better at communication than others, but all of us can benefit from experience and practice at developing our skills to find the best choice of words or the most appropriate tone of voice to use with our relational partners or work teams” (O'Hair, D., Wiemann, M., Mullin, D. I., & Teven, J, 2015).

    Jennifer Pfeiffer

  2. Emily,

    You picked a very special person; he was amazing, and so is the impact he has had on people. I would have enjoyed being a part of his meetings and presentations because I know that his sense of humor, and his ability to make others feel welcomed, played a big role in his success. He used his characteristics to take total control and be a good communicator; he will never be forgotten!


  3. Sorry to hear of your loss. However, take what you like most about him and use it.

  4. Emily,
    Great post, communication is life and to have good relationships you need to strong communication. Sorry to hear about your lost.

  5. Emily,

    I think that the characteristic of humor for a speaker is very important, as well as using one's own experience and emotions to make a connection with the listener. These qualities make for a great speaker, and someone who I too would like to emulate. Thank you for your insightful post!

