Monday, November 9, 2015

Cultural Diversity and Communication

I find myself communicating and interacting with different groups and different cultures all the time. I work in a city school where many families are low SES and culturally diverse and all of my students have special needs. These are the three strategies I try to make sure I am using so I can communicate effectively with my families.

1.       Be mindful of who you are interacting with.

·         Is this a single mom who will view my questions /concerns as me judging her?

2.       Develop creative flexibility.

·          Working in the city has really made me flexible. I often say to new therapist, “welcome to the city.” We have to change our mentality when working with families from a city culture.

3.       Become other-oriented.

·         I often think to myself, what are these families experiencing? Again, most of my families are from low SES and all of them have children with special needs. I have to try to put myself in their shoes.

Beebe, S. A., Beebe, S. J., & Redmond, M. V. (2011). Interpersonal communication: Relating to others (6th ed.). Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon.
Chapter 4, "Interpersonal Communication and Diversity: Adapting to Others"
(pp. 85114)


  1. Hi Emily,

    I, also, believe "becoming other-oriented" is an excellent strategy for effective communication and culture. In most of my communication, I use this strategy. I communicate with certain individuals differently because my main focus when talking with those around me is to make them feel comfortable and understood. I have a lot of people whom confide in me because whatever that person tells me, I am not the one to judge nor the one to repeat what has been said. I always remain more of a listener than talker. Thank you for sharing!



  2. Emily,
    Your strategies are excellent and very helpful! Thank you for sharing your experience. I know following your blog I will gain a first had view of what it means to be a dedicated early childhood professional. I can tell by reading you blog that you love working with children and families as well as strive to make a real and genuine effort to do the right thing in regards to communication and communication. I am glad to have you added you to my blog list and I am looking forward to hearing more about your knowledge as an early childhood professional.
    Jennifer Pfeiffer

  3. Emily,
    Great information and tools I can use with everyday communicating with those I come into contact with. THANKS!!

  4. Hello Emily,

    Being mindful is very important in the field of early childhood. Educators know families often monitor every word we say and actions. If we choose to use a certain type of language and how it is presented could easily impact the feeling of parents (ex: a teacher says a comment about a child’s behavior sends a message to the parent to question their parenting skills.).

    Tanya Terrell
